During their years on the Board of Lions Clubs International, Past International President Al Brandel and Dr. Maureen Murphy celebrated the "Everyday Heroes" who performed "Miracles Through Service." Throughout their travels, they were frequently drawn to a cause close to both of their hearts - children.
For 20 of his 35 years as a Detective with the Nassau County Police Department on Long Island, NY, Past President Al had been assigned to the Juvenile Aid Bureau specializing in cases involving child abuse, missing children, and domestic violence involving children.
At the conclusion of his year as International President, 2008 - 2009, Al and Maureen were offered a gift as a thank you from the Lions of MD20.
Instead of the gift, Al and Maureen decided to use that donation to establish the Foundation that bears their name. With this seed money, a Board of Trustees was formed and the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation was born.
........ read more ........
Since 2011, through the generosity of Lions throughout Multiple District 20 (New York State and Bermuda Lions Clubs) and around the world, the Foundation has distributed 154 grants totaling $281,378 through our Grant programs, including our $2,000 matching Standard Grants, $2,500 Emergency Grants, as well as our new Major Grant program. Due to the efforts of those Lions who have applied for these grants nearly 185,000 children in need have received assistance.
To learn more about the foundation and how your Lions Club, zone, or district can begin helping children in need in your community, just click HERE to download our informational brochure.
President: John Wargo
Phone # (516) 515-1147
Immediate Past President: Angelo Purcigliotti
1st Vice President: Tom Witkowski
2nd Vice President: Kelly Clark
Secretary: Melanie Wargo
Treasurer: Terri Oster
Ass't Treasurer: Barbara Ann Dillon
Al Brandel & Dr. Maureen Murphy
Ellen Purcigliotti, Veronica Ralph Munro,
Barry Haywood, Sheree Vora
Doug Alexander, Gary Brown, Dr. Ed Cordes, Bob Libin,
Hon. Anthony Paradiso, John Rabideau, Dr. Steve Tremaroli, Dr. Jack Weber
Public Relations:
Michelle Gagnon
Technology & Digital Marketing Manager:
Aaron Dey of emergehelps.com
From John Wargo, President of Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation.
I'm pleased to announce the following important additions and updates to our growing Leadership Team; now 56 strong. Please be sure to thank these skillful volunteers for their dedication and support for the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation.
Lion Barbara Ann Dillon
- Assistant Treasurer
PDG Leroy Foster
- Investment Advisory Committee support
PDG Dave Hubman
- District Coordinator in 20-Y
ID Hon. Anthony Paradiso
- Advisor
PCC Andy Umreiko
- Super Raffle committee support
PDG Dr. Paul Weber
- continuing Public Relations Committee support
For the full list of the BMYF Leadership Team go HERE.
20-N: Sharon Battaglia, Jeff Jarvis, Spencer Vail
20-E1: Chuck Switzer, Judy MacKnight
20-E2: Dave Rupright
20-W: John McDonald, Milledge 'Smitty' Smith
20-Y: David Hubman
20-O: Joyce Maier, Jim Eggleton
20-R1: Paul La Spina III, Glen Karoglanian
20-R2: Peter Pergolis
20-K1: Pauline Francis, Dimple Willabus, Donarie Fenton, Annette Drummond-Braithwaithe
20-K2: Sharon Wozniak
20-S: Rich Nilsson, Jr.
The Brandel–Murphy Youth Foundation has created a unique award to recognize the outstanding service performed by Lions throughout Multiple District 20 (MD20) - the "Miracles Through Service" Award. This award was aptly named after an important theme used by PIP Al Brandel during his year as our International President.
Each Governor in MD20 will be able to nominate one outstanding Lion in their district for the "Miracles Through Service" Award. Each Governor will receive a nomination form to be completed and returned to the Foundation. The Governors may not nominate themselves.
The nomination must first be approved by the Board of Directors of the Brandel–Murphy Youth Foundation, cannot be purchased, and is only presented through the Foundation. During a special ceremony at the MD20 Convention, each recipient will be presented with their medallion, a certificate signed by PIP Al and Foundation President PCC John Wargo, along with a lapel pin that can be proudly worn or displayed to honor their outstanding service.
In addition to being nominated by each district governor on a yearly basis, PIP Al Brandel and Lion Dr. Maureen Murphy may also select one outstanding Lion each year, who in their opinion, has done outstanding service for those in need. Lastly, the Foundation Board of Directors may nominate a "Miracles Through Service" Award recipient each year as well bringing the annual total to only 13 awards.
Here are our 2025 'Super Hero' Raffle Winners.
1st prize-New Hyde Park Lions-#332-District 20K2- $5,000.00
2nd prize-Barbara Dillon -#2711-District 20K2- $2,000.00
3rd prize-NY Phil Am Lions-#2419-District 20R2- $1,000.00
4th prize-David Macknight-#151-District 20E1- $500.00
5th prize-Kelly Clark-#194-District 20Y- $500.00
6th prize-Martine Marsan-NYU Langone- $250.00
7th prize-Len Thornton-District 20N- $250.00
8th prize-George Rios-District 20R1- $250.00
9th prize-Dr John Biordi-NYU Langone- $250.00
How are your chances of winning? Ask the Town of Wheatfield Lions Club who won the $5,000.00 Grand Prize. Individuals, groups, or Clubs can win!
Here are the 2024 'Super Hero' Raffle Results.
Congratulations to the winners!
Grand Prize
$ 5,000 * Wheatfield Lions - WNY Lions - New York USA (aka 20-N)
2nd Prize
$ 2,000 * Sue Furlong - Northern NY Lions (aka 20-W)
3rd Prize
$ 1,000 * Alex Leon - Suffolk County Lions District 20S (aka 20-S)
4th Prize
$ 500 * Cuba Lions - geneseevalleylions.org (aka 20-E1)
5th Prize
$ 500 * Elliott Gross - whiteplainsarealions.org (aka 20-R1)
6th Prize
$ 250 * Debby Mosher - Finger Lakes Lions (aka 20-E2)
7th Prize
$ 250 * Chuck - whiteplainsarealions.org (aka 20-R1)
8th Prize
$ 250 * Tim Connors - northernnylions.org (aka-20W)
9th Prize
$ 250 * Ron Polito - WNY Lions - New York USA (aka -20-N)
Congratulations to all the winners. Get another chance in our 2025 'Super Hero' Raffle.
20 N – Lion Dr. David Clifford
20 E1 – PDG Judith MacKnight
20 E2 – PDG Bill Williams
20 W – Lion Diane Lange
20 Y – Lion Kim Cosilmon
20 O – Lion Esther Zaccone
20 R1 – Lion Kathleen Gaughran
20 R2 – Lion Silvia Estebanez
20 K1 – Lion Haydee Llanos
20 K2 – Lion Victoria Anderson
20 S – Lion Eileen Austin
Al & Maureen - PDG Sue Piccolo
BMYF Board – PID Dr. Jack Weber
2023 Recipients
20 N – PDG Dan Dunn
20 E1 – Lion Melanie Adams
20 E2 – Lion Tom Bailey
20 W – Lion Karen Rager
20 Y – Lion Dr. Thomas Bersani
20 O – Lion Salvatore Patella
20 R1 – PDG Giuseppe Coco
20 R2 – Lion Lois Campbell
20 K1 – Lion Beverley Campbell
20 K2 – Lion Donna Giordano
20 S – Lion Marilyn Pysher
Al & Maureen - PDG Jim Muscoreil
2022 Recipients
20 N – PDG Jeff Jarvis
20 E1 – CT Janice Infantino
20 E2 – 2 nd VDG James “Russell” Ebbets
20 W – PDG Rick Brisee
20 O – Lion Claire Gabelman
20 R1 – PDG Mathai Chacko
20 K1 – Lion Norma Blaize
20 K2 – Lion Michelle Gagnon
20 S – PDG Lorri Rieger
2021 Recipients
20 N ........ Lion William (Bill) Duzen
20 E1 ...... Lion Bing Reaves
20 E2 ...... Lion Tom Bouchard
20 W ....... VDG Michele O’Hare
20 Y ........ Lion David Guyer
20 O ........ Lion George McManus
20 R1 ...... Lion Paul R. Laspina
20 R2 ...... Lion Mari Morimoto
20 K1 ...... Lion CDR Leroy A. Barnes
20 K2 ...... PCC Andrew Umreiko
20 S ........ VDG Douglas Marange
BMYF Board ... PDG Margaret “Peg” DiIorio
Al & Maureen ... PID Dr. Edward Cordes
20 N ....... PDG Michael Lawkowski
20 E1 ...... Lion Joe Gorman
20 E2 ...... PDG Rena Haigh
20 W ....... Lion Kenneth Cring
20 Y ........ Lion Robert Evans
20 O ........ Lion Maria Frangipane – Posthumously
20 R1 ...... Lion John “Jack” Duncan
20 R2 ...... Lion Diane Oldham
20 K1 ...... PDG Hon. Jacqueline Williams
20 K2 ...... Lion Rosemarie Marciano
20 S ........ PDG Richard Irizarry
BMYF Board ... PCC Tim Jachlewski
PIP Al and Lion Dr. Maureen to: PDG Milledge "Smitty" Smith
District 20 N: Lion Jeremy Schnurr
District 20 E1: Lion Bonnie Platt
District 20 E2: Lion Terry White
District 20 W: Lion Nancy Lafauer
District 20 Y: Lion Marge Montross
District 20 O: Lion Patti Zangle
District 20 R1: Lion Patricia Castelli
District 20 R2: Lion Portia Agel
District 20 K1: Lion Marcella Fraser
District 20 K2: Lion Camille Morvay Raia
District 20 S: James “Jay” Brown
2018 Recipients
20 N - Lion Ann Parelli
20 E1 - Lion Lauren J. Lieberman, PhD.
20 E2 - PDG Noni Krom
20 W - Lion Laurell Brault
20 Y1 - Lion Jason Tabor
20 Y2 - Lion Richard Rhodes
20 O - PDG Stuart Wizwer
20 R1 - Lion Vincent Papa
20 R2 - Lion Norma Burkeno Anderson
20 K1 - Lion Maureen Thomas
20 K2 - Lion Paul Broderick
20 S - Lion Judy Keller
2017 Recipients
PIP Al and Lion Dr. Maureen to: PDG Wayne Wagner
District 20 N: Lion Joseph Sullivan, Jr.
District 20 E1: Lion Sarah Favro
District 20 E2: Lion Ken Mathis
District 20 Y1: Lion PDG Kerry Brown
District 20 Y2: Lion John Griffin
District 20 R1: Lion Stephen Purcigliotti
District 20 R2: Lion Maria Sanchez
District 20 K1: Lion Astrid Benjamin - Campbell
District 20 K2: PDG Fred Rieger
District 20 S: Lion Lawrence Luce
2016 Recipients
District 20 N: Lion Milton Dickerson
District 20 E1: Lion Kathryn Soper
District 20 E2: Lion Gail Cordes
District 20 W: Lion Kelly Clark
District 20 Y1: Lion Cathi Bernado
District 20 Y2: Lion James Flynn
District 20 O: Lion Alonso Fragipane
District 20 R1: Lion Tracy Reiman
District 20 R2: Lion Mercedes Regaldo
District 20 K1: Lion Jeanette Forde Corwen
District 20 K2: 1st VDG Nina Lanci
District 20 S: Lion Marybeth Valenti
2015 Recipients
20 N – Lion Charles Talbot
20 E1 – Lion Greg Lund
20 E2 – PDG Noni Krom
20 W – CC Mark Whitney
20 Y1 – Lion Paul Burnett
20 O – Lion Peter Brandt
20 R – Lion Patricia Castelli
20 R2 – Lion Paul Seto
20 K1 – Lions Stephanie Simeon
20 K2 – PDG Anthony Paradiso
20 S – Lion Andrew Caley
PID Jack Weber
PID Bob Klein
It is the strong belief of both PIP Al and Lion Dr. Maureen, as well as the Foundation which bears their name, that Lions and others who selflessly give service to their communities should be recognized for being an “Everyday Hero" to those in need.
Like the "Miracles Through Service" theme, “Everyday Heroes” became a central part of PIP Al's year as our International President.
Therefore, in an effort to promote the service goals of the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation, and recognize those who perform this service, the Board of Directors established the "Everyday Hero” Fellowship program.
The Brandel - Murphy "Everyday Hero"' Fellowship may be presented to worthy Lions and Non-Lions for a donation to the Foundation in the amount of $300.
Unlike the "Miracles Through Service" Award, a Brandel - Murphy "Everyday Hero" Fellowship can be requested by anyone who wishes to support the Foundation. In turn, the Fellowship can be presented to any person the donor chooses. However, the donor cannot nominate themselves for this honor. Click here for an up-to-date list of those who are proud recipients of the "Everyday Hero" Fellowship.
To honor someone special today with the Brandel-Murphy “Everyday Hero” Fellowship, just click HERE to download an application. Complete the application and mail it with your check to the Foundation.
Or mail the “Everyday Hero” application but remit your secured donation today with your credit card by using this link: CLICK HERE.
PDG Carl Anderson 2024
Gerold M. Bierker 2024
DG Mark Bothello 2
PDG Michael Bryceland 2024
Fatima Carlo 2024
Spencer Chiimbwe 2024
PO Niles Davis 2024
Barbara Delo2024
Pat Freier 2024
Dr. David Hodes 2024
Paul La Spina 2024
Jack Lofaso 2024
PDG Rob Murry 2024
Mary Pontieri 2024
DG Larry Strickland 2024
PDG Alex Tanchoco 2024
PO Colleen Taylor 2024
Becky Thornton 2024
PO Andrew Tuers 2024
PDG Bob Walker 2024
2023 Recipients
Monique Brizz-Walker 2023
PDG Leroy Foster 2023
PDG Micheal T. Gibbs 2023
Chantelle Grant 2023
Teriq Grant 2023
Lavern Harrison 2023
Tony Herbert 2023
Annette Hinkson-Smith
Grace Janet Jones
PDG Mike Lawkowski 2023
Al Moffa 2023
Gene Moran 2023
Dr. Peter Munda 2023
Gerard Pernot 2023
Greg Proce 2023
Theresa Reda 2023
Dawn Rice-Norton 2023
Joyce Shorey 2023
Doreen Thomas 2023
2022 Recipients
PID Gary Brown 2022
Carol Christiansen 2022
Diane DeLuca 2022
Steve Delzio 2022
Marlinda Duncanson 2022
Patricia Hart 2022
PDG Linda Mott 2022
Lewis Ramos 2022
VDG Tom Skinner 2022
VDG Rick Whitney 2022
PCC Paul Burnett 2021
PDG Deb Bush 2021
PDG Timothy Bush 2021
PDG Barbara A. Chuck 2021
Kim Cosilmon 2021
Aaron Dey 2021
Diane DiClemente 2021
Josephine DiClemente 2021
CC Deborah Harrison 2021
Orin Hazlewood 2021
Brian Helm 2021
Tina Ivis 2021
PCC Tim Jachlewski 2021
PDG Jim Luckman 2021
Michael Marciano 2021
Rosemarie Marciano 2021
Steve Oster 2021
Mark A. Pieroni 2021
Jeanette Powell 2021
CT Paige Marie Raia 2021
JoAnn Salamone 2021
2 nd VDG Rupal Sehgal 2021
1 st VDG Paula Umreiko 2021
Kyle Austin 2020
PCC Kelly Clark 2020
Tracey Edwards 2020
1 st VDG Steve Espach 2020
Donna Langone 2020
Randy Nissan 2020
Tom Roberts 2020
Jack Adams 2019
VDG Dr. Richard Battaglia 2019
David Bechtle 2019
PDG Joe DeFina 2019
Joseph Fatuzzo 2019
Aimee Jarvis 2019
Diane Lange 2019
Roseann Levy 2019
Dawn Mc Evoy 2019
Ilidio Mendes 2019
Richard Niezgoda 2019
PDG Veronica Ralph-Munro 2019
Richard Reeves 2019
Larry Sanford 2019
Antonio Santos 2019
Richard Schaff 2019
Manuel Silva 2019
Stephanie Simeon 2019
DG Theresa Whalen 2019
Ronald Williams 2019
Esther R. Zaccone 2019
Terry Bliss 2018
Kylen Button 2018
Joaquim S. Costa 2018
Marie Hedbavny 2018
Howard Heffron 2018
DG Richard Irizarry 2018
James Lenihan. Esq. 2018
PDG Joyce Maier 2018
Reba McDermott 2018
Marguerite Montross 2018
PDG Kermit Mott 2018
Theresa Oster 2018
PDG Marie Petraitis 2018
PDG Eugene Petraitis 2018
DG Sue Piccolo 2018
Luis Pinto 2018
Robert Scharback 2018
PID Steve Thornton 2018
Claude "Tink" Wright 2018
Rosemarie Bush 2017
Peter Clancy 2017
Jack Costa 2017
Alan Epstein 2017
GMT Brian Freier 2017
John Gordon 2017
Janet Gottlieb 2017
PDG Michael Lawkowski 2017
Cecilia LoForte 2017
Frank Maffei 2017
Dr. Raymond Martin 2017
Willliam Reiss 2017
Harvey Roll 2017
PDG David W. Rutkowski, Sr. 2017
Barbara Walsh 2017
2012-2016 Recipients
Verna Plummer 2015
PDG Lorri Rieger 2015
DG Fred Rieger 2015
PCC Jeffrey R. Gans 2014
PDG Cary Smolen 2013
Brian Whitfield 2013
Rosemary Clarke 2012
Allan Clarke 2012
Pearl Glassman 2012
Robert M. Libin 2012
James V. Muscoreil 2012
Ellen Purcigliotti 2012
Michelle Ratliff 2012
Cheryl Fulton-Sears 2012
Chuck Sheriff 2012
Janice Smolen 2012
Eugene Speiss 2012
PID Jack Weber 2012
"In the eyes of the countless children who have been helped by Lions around the world, the Lions are their Every Day Heroes. The Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation, alongside Lions throughout Multiple District 20, is making Miracles through Service, helping children in need in New York and Bermuda, and making their world a better place to live.”
- PIP Al Brandel and Lion Dr. Maureen Murphy.
Download our BMYF Grant Application
Watch our latest promo video highlighting some of our successful grants HERE.
To date, the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation has awarded 137 Standard and Major grants totaling over $241,000 helping more than 157,000 children throughout New York State and the country of Bermuda comprising Lions Multiple District 20.
Qualifications to receive a Standard or Major grant:
· The project must improve the life of children whether one or many.
· The project be outside the normal purview of a club or district, e.g., a new project that has never been done before by the club or district.
· It is approved by a club's Board of Directors or District Cabinet.
· Matching funds be available.
Standard Grants are awarded up to $2,000 in matching funds. Major Grants are available to districts with awards between $10,000 and $20,000 in matching funds. Each year, the total amount of grants will be determined by the funds raised the previous year. The funds will be distributed on a "first come - first served" basis and on merit. Clubs are eligible for one Standard Grant per year, with no limit on the number of clubs applying in a district. Districts are limited to one Major Grant every three years.
The deadlines for Standard and Major Grants occur four times a year: March 30th, June 30th, September 30th, and December 30th. Reviews are accomplished no later than two weeks after the deadline dates. Applications not received in time will be reviewed at the next Grant Committee meeting.
The image above description:
District 20Y (formerly 20Y1) Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department Project: The Upstate Children’s Hospital has a new Pediatric Emergency Room Conference Room donated by 37 Lions Clubs and individual donations from Lions of District 20Y1 with the support of a Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation grant. In this room, group conferences with doctors and families discuss the patient’s medical needs, as well as weekly pediatric staff meetings. The Pediatric Emergency Department sees approximately 27,000 children and adolescents annually, ranging in age from 1 day to 18 years old throughout the 19-county region of Central New York.
Back to Grant Introduction
Emergency Grants
To date, $39,750 in 17 Emergency Grants has been distributed to clubs and districts in New York State that have suffered from natural disasters such as Hurricanes Irene and Sandy and Covid-19 affecting over 27,000 children.
Emergency Grants, up to a maximum of $2,500, may be issued in response to government-declared disasters, e.g., hurricanes, pandemics, and food insecurities.
Emergency grants are available to districts as well as clubs and do not require matching club or district funds.
Qualifications to receive an Emergency Grant:
* Emergency grants must be related to some aspect of children in need. Lions must be involved in the emergency grant project.
* Club President must obtain the District Governor’s approval which must be
documented and accompany the Emergency Grant request.
* Necessary paperwork has to be submitted to the Foundation within seven days of the initial request. In the event multiple clubs within the same district are applying, the District Governor must coordinate the needs of the grants, otherwise, the District Governor should apply for an Emergency Grant on
behalf of the district.
* Submit the Emergency Grant request(s) to the Foundation President.
* Decision to give emergency grants will be determined by the Foundation President, Grant Committee Chair, and the Treasurer.
10,691 children served
2,200 children served
2,816 children served
24,594 children served
51,905 children served
17,007 children served
6,684 children served
341 children served
1,280 children served
17,323 children served
21,415 children served
1,000 children served
157,256 children served
21,415 children served
184,660 children served
Pictured is the Foundation's Founding President, Immediate Past President PCC Angelo Purcigliotti, presenting a check for the "Friends Of Karen" project. After a successful grant application, the Somers Lions Club in District 20-R1 received $2,000 to assist families with children who have severe illness.
Click here for a sample of success stories made possible by the partnership of Lions and the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation.
With your continued support and participation in our Grant Program, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those children less fortunate than ourselves.
Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation
P.O. Box 913
Rockville Centre, NY 11571
(516) 515-1147
The Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
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